Monday, January 14, 2008

About Me


Hi! I'm Sabrina! I live in Provo, Utah. I attend BYU.I am majoring in Psych. But I really want to bake and cook all day long. To do this, I am going to go to the FCI in NYC. This shall happen after the love of my life, my hunkahunka burning love, the boy with the the cutey booty, David Allen graduates from BYU. Which should be in about 3 years. I shall make him my hubs on 08.08.08 and we will be one of those cute married couples who holds hands and makes you sick because they are so sweet.
I bake a lot, and cook even more. If you are hungry I will probably feed you. Unless you smell really bad. I can't deal with that mess.
I have four best friends here, who I affectionatly call "The Girls." They are hott, and half are taken, so for the other two, if you are tall or really cool, let me know and maybe I'll set you up. They are going to be my pretty bridesmaids and my something blue, since they all seem to think I should be marrying them instead of David.
I have two best friends who don't live here, but on the other dang side of the country. I love them a lot, and together we make HPI. They are going to be my maids of honor, and are going to rock the sleeveless dresses at a Mormon wedding. They are also going to throw me a raging bachelorette party. And when they come to Utah for my wedding, they are going to drink Provo Girl beer for me, because nothing says irony like anything provo on an alcoholic beverage.
My parents are actually the coolest people I know. My dad has been living in Utah building a house in Park City for almost two years now. Hopefully by the time you read this he will be back in Texas, pinching the butt of my Mom, who he is madly in love with after 28 years of marriage. My mom has her PhD and has a classroom in a mall, true story. I love them a lot and owe them everything.
I have two brothers. One of them is 25 and single, and ladies, I have been told he is quite a looker. If you are looking, let me know. He needs to get married and have some babies.
Now that this is long enough, I would like to say that I am the luckiest girl in the whole world, and could not ask for anything else from my Heavenly Father, whom has never left me wanting. Unless, of course, he would like to give me some more Steve Madden shoes. :-)

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